Welcome to K9MD
It is widely acknowledged that early detection greatly enhances the chance of a patient's survival. K9 Medical Detection NZ aims to increase the rate of early detection.
K9 Medical Detection New Zealand Charitable Trust's mission is to improve the health of all New Zealander's by using specially trained dogs working in a controlled clinical environment to assist in the detection of cancer and other diseases. To create a simple diagnostic urine test as a value added tool in the fight against cancer.
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K9 Medical Detection NZ are grateful for the generous support of the following organisations
Lucy Elwood
CEO Cancer Society NZ
Cancer Society support of K9 Medical Detection NZ (K9MD)
The Cancer Society is passionate about supporting cancer research in New Zealand, and we endorse the work of K9MD. Cancer research has the potential to significantly improve cancer outcomes for New Zealanders. Lucy Elwood, Chief Executive of the Cancer Society of New Zealand says, “It’s been great to connect with the team at K9MD and to learn about the world-leading research of the Otago- based team, and their keen-nosed dogs. Founder Pauline Blomfield and the K9MD clinical advisory group have demonstrated an amazing drive to get K9MD to the point it is at now. Often cancer treatments and diagnostic advancements are an evolution of an earlier treatment, but K9MD’s approach is truly ground-breaking.”
“K9MD research has significant potential to achieve earlier detection of cancer through non-invasive methods. K9MD has already successfully proven that their highly trained dogs can detect the odour of cancer in saline with remarkable accuracy. It invites the question: what are these clever dogs smelling? We’re excited to imagine a future where K9MD has ascertained what volatile compounds their dogs are smelling, and where we can develop a urine test as an easy, accessible method to detect different cancers. This could be a game changer for cancer outcomes in this country.”
In New Zealand, we rely on the amazing olfactory abilities for dogs in many different contexts, and K9MD has demonstrated there is great potential to leverage their tuned sense of smell for cancer control too.
From the Cancer Society’s work supporting patients, we know that early detection of cancer is hugely beneficial. When cancer is detected earlier it is usually easier to treat, and patient outcomes are typically significantly improved. There is also the potential for huge savings to our already pressured health system.
The Cancer Society looks forward to continuing to support K9MD as this valuable research continues.

Emma Gilmour
McLaren's first female factory driver and Dunedin Business Owner
How amazing are the people and dogs involved with K9 Medical Detection NZ!
Seeing these dogs at work is something special – they love what they do and they are super heroes at detecting the smells that they need to.
I fully support Pauline and her team and hope for the sake of all New Zealanders that this becomes a form of early detection for cancer in the future.

Sir Richard Taylor
Most New Zealanders have in some way been affected by the tragic impact of cancer. Weta Workshop is no exception. We have had friends and colleagues endure long periods of treatment and rehabilitation, and we have lost people. The K9MD team are making inroads into early detection. Their hard work is worthy of our support. To know that a dog's superior sense of smell may play a crucial role in the future health of all New Zealanders is truly remarkable.

Pio Terei
Kia Ora Guys,
A couple of years ago I saw a piece on TV about a dog in the U.S. that alerted his owner to a cancer condition that she knew nothing about. I was amazed. The dog was able to smell an imbalance in the owner that probably saved her life. This can be a reality in Aotearoa and I am fully behind supporting this exciting initiative.
Watch this space.